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Download metadata + waveforms 2013 | Download metadata 2013 only
RESORCE (Reference database for Seismic grOund-motion pRediction in Europe) is a freely accessible platform for accessing and retrieving reliable ground-motion data from pan-European earthquakes and associated seismological and geotechnical parameters. The use of RESORCE is granted for non-commercial purposes only. The copy or the reproduction of parts of the database is not allowed.
To obtain access login and password, please use the Contact section.
With the aim of improving ground-motion models and reducing associated uncertainties within seismic hazard assessment studies, the use of both, high-quality ground-motion records and metadata is of primary importance for both, scientists and engineers. In this framework, RESORCE is intended to be a reference ground-motion database for the development and the testing of European ground-motion models to be used for seismic hazard studies, and for other engineering seismology and earthquake engineering applications, e.g. selection of time-histories for input to structural modeling.
The objective of RESORCE is to be a single integrated, homogeneous, accelerometric database for the broader European area, constructed with high standards and including only verified data. RESORCE is currently the most recent pan-European seismic-motion database.
RESORCE principally updates and extends the previous European strong-motion databases constructed in past European Commission-funded projects (e.g. FP4 and FP5 projects led by Prof. Ambraseys and the SHARE FP7 project). The updates include recently compiled Greek, Italian, Swiss and Turkish accelerometric archives, as well as earthquake-specific literature studies published in recent years. RESORCE currently includes 5 882 uniformly processed records from 1 814 earthquakes and 1 540 strong-motion stations.
Before being released, each version of RESORCE undergoes an internal review process. The RESORCE-2013 version review panel is composed of: Paola Traversa, Fabrice Cotton, Gabriele Ameri, John Douglas, Stéphanie Godey, Bruno Hernandez and Lucia Luzi. The data processing and metadata homogenization and improvement are carried out at Middle East Technical University, under the direction of S. Akkar. The database implementation and the development of the internet access portal undertaken by EMSC.
A first trial version of RESORCE was released internally at the end of 2011. It was based on the European subset of the database gathered by the SHARE project. From this starting point, an effort of homogenization and improvement of metadata has been made.
The Access the database section allows the user to query RESORCE. The search criteria include those based on earthquake, path, station and waveform parameters. Selected ground motion recordings and associated metadata can be downloaded.
RESORCE data and its associated metadata file represent a work in progress that is subject to subsequent future revisions, as either new data and information are obtained, or revised interpretations are made. Each version follows an internal review process before being released. The earthquake, station and waveform parameters are obtained from the best available information. Even so, no warranty, implicit or explicit is attached to both, the data and the information provided by this portal. The RESORCE working group is grateful for feedback and comments from the earthquake engineering and seismological communities. To send us your comments, please use the Feedback section.
RESORCE-2013 can be cited as: Akkar S., Sandıkkaya M.A., Şenyurt M., Azari Sisi A., Ay B.Ö., Traversa P., Douglas J., Cotton F., Luzi L., Hernandez B., Godey S. (2013). Reference database for seismic ground-motion in Europe (RESORCE), Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s10518-013-9506-8, in press,